Based on Betaal Pachisi, this series by Diamond Comics revolves around a ghost called Betaal and King Vikramaditya. If you remember, the king would carry the ghost piggyback whilst the latter would narrate morality tales to the king. At the end of each tale, Betaal would ask the king a question pertaining to the moral of the story. The variety of stories told by the ghost kept this series entertaining whilst also being instructive.
Remember the days when you used to spend your entire summer vacation reading the adventures of Supandi or Chacha Chaudhari? Or when you’d buy a Tinkle comic just before you boarded a train and read it throughout the journey? Those were good times.
The comics you read in your childhood are still as popular today as they were then. The only thing that has changed is that they are now also available as e-books too! If you need a little reminder of all the comics that made your childhood special, and deserve another read even if you’re an adult now